Corporate sustainability key to operations at Oxin Growers

Together with our members, we strive to increase sustainability in fruit and vegetable cultivation. We encourage innovation, initiate research projects and actively engage and collaborate with partners throughout the chain. We collectively tackle challenges and work together to provide concrete solutions. Our ambition is clear: in 2040, our growers will produce climate-neutral products, so that we can provide everyone with healthy and sustainable fruit and vegetables.

Our sustainability strategy focuses on the following pillars

Climate-neutral products at a fair price

We are working on a wide variety of projects to achieve our ambition of ‘climate-neutral cultivation in 2040'. Project topics include nutrient-free waste water, bio-based packaging and cultivation materials produced from green cultivation waste, the reduction of CO2 emissions and green crop protection. Developing and implementing sustainable cultivation processes involves higher costs for growers. With this in mind, we are also actively committed to ensuring fair pricing; a fair price for the product.

Circular and innovative solutions

To be able to produce more sustainably, we are initiating research projects with a focus on developing circular and innovative solutions in areas such as energy, water, biodiversity, crop protection, packaging, mobility, automation and robotics. A pilot study is being conducted to determine the environmental footprint of our organisation and our growers.

Increasing knowledge and awareness

Involving and inspiring our growers and partners in the sustainability transition is a vital part of our approach. We have implemented several initiatives to achieve this, such as organising knowledge and network events and establishing links between our growers and sustainable partners. Our sustainability team also provide support whenever required.

Sustainable Development Goals

Our sustainability strategy enables us to contribute to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a specific focus on: